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The Majesty of the Gospel
The gospel is truly majestic. It is eternally fresh good news - the very thing that tethers us to Jesus and places us in the delight of the Father. Jesus Christ, God in human flesh, welcomes us into an experiential relationship with himself. We partake of his life, are transformed by his truth and are grown up in the faith by his love.
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The Mystery of the Gospel: Removing the Effects of Sin [Part 4]
November 15, 2017
Listen in to the UR Dallas Residency class as Peter talks about the mystery of the Gospel and how Jesus removes the effects of sin in our lives. Support the show
When You Have Unrealistic Expectations Of Your Spouse
January 12, 2022
Tension and stress in relationships is not God’s plan for you. Often our own dreams and desires for marriage turn into unrealistic expectations that cause stress, tension, and disconnection with our spouse. In this Episode, Kristi shares how forgiveness and patience allow us to have intimacy in relationships and a heart that’s free from relational burdens.
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Communion Revival
August 3, 2022
Many of our divisions and problems that we are facing as the Church are because we have strayed from the simplicity of the Gospel. It is time for us to come back to the simplicity of the body and the blood of Jesus that was broken for us and to proclaim it to the hurting, broken and dying world around us.
- Kristi Louis
Right there at that table, I gave to God that which I could not control. Right there at that table, I surrendered my disappointment. I forgave and let Him have back what He had first given to me. I surrendered my judgment and just let Him have that which I could not understand.
by Kristi Louis
Maybe He just wants to go to the park with you and swing on the swing or maybe He wants to take a walk with you and smell the roses. I know my heart needed that wake up call today. I know that I needed to hear Him say, “All I want is to just dance around the house with you.”
by Peter Louis
In the following text, we will examine the why, what, and how of the gospel to bring a fresh perspective and sense of gratitude to those who may have become numb to this Good News.